Soaring Praise for Swifty's Big Flight

"A perfect way for grown-up birders to introduce the young people in their lives to the wonders and rewards of birding. Swifty's Big Flight calls for swooping up the kids, the rain gear and binoculars and heading outside." -- The Oregonian Sunday Book Review, Nov. 9, 2008

"A fantastic book!" -- The Oregon Birding List

"...a local story set during the return of the Chapman Swifts to their fall roost ... a wonderful new children's book." -- Audubon Society of Portland newsletter, September 2008

"You’ll...find Swifty’s Big Flight a fun read with the little ones in your life, as well as a great way to introduce them to the wonders of birding." -- Pilchuck Audubon Society newsletter, September 2009

"If you have a little one, this book is excellent!
Swifty’s Big Flight by Lee Jackson is a delightful, well-written chronicle with beautiful illustrations...of a Vaux’s Swift’s first long flight." -- Madrone Audubon Society newsletter, May 2009

"This book will be enjoyed by parents and children alike
as they read about and root for Swifty on his first BIG
-- North Central Washington Audubon Society newsletter, March 2009

" engaging adventure story, appropriate for elementary school-aged children, offering fun facts and lessons about Vaux's Swifts. A great read for kids and adults!"
-- Five Valleys Audubon Society newsletter, March 2009

A "children’s book you just can’t miss.. It’s a big adventure!”
-- Food Front Cooperative Grocery newsletter

A "sweet story...nicely illustrated with wonderful, imaginative black and white drawings." -- Coeur d’Alene Audubon Society newsletter, September 2009

"Watch out! When reading the book to your children during bedtime, expect such questions as “Daddy! Did little Swifty ever make it to South America?” and “Mommy! What is Swifty going to do tomorrow?” Lee Jackson has left plenty open for an equally exciting and thrilling part-two book!." -- Fresno Audubon Society newsletter, September 2009

The story of a little bird on a big journey...

Swifty's Big Flight is the story of a Vaux's Swift's first big flight as he journeys south for the winter from his home in the Pacific Northwest. The book lightly weaves fun scientific facts about Portland's own Vaux’s Swifts into the fictional, family-oriented narrative.

A local artist, working with the author and Audubon Society of Portland ornithologist, provided the illustrations and hand-lettering.

A percentage of book proceeds is donated to the Audubon Society of Portland.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thank you Twenty-Third Avenue Books! And, Good Luck!

Twenty-Third Avenue Books, one of our neighborhood book retailers, recently closed here in Northwest Portland after an almost thirty year run. They were very kind to us this past fall when we began to receive requests to sell Swifty's Big Flight through booksellers up and down the West Coast.

We appreciate how kind they were to take the book and wish their former owners and staff Godspeed and farewell.

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